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Aberle Stahlguss GmbH
In der Hausmatte 6
D-78132 Hornberg

Tel. +49 (0) 7833 93 92-0
Fax +49 (0) 7833 93 92-15



Aberle Stahlguss was founded in 1982 by Ernst Aberle with headquarters in Triberg-Schonachbach. The company was managed by him until his death in 1990. In the first years we only produced and dealt with clock weights.

Since 1990 the company is lead by his children. A steady expansion made it necessary to move the business to the industrial estate in Hornberg-Niederwasser in 1995.
The new building allowed us to start a metal cutting centre, with the latest metal cutting technology. The metal cutting centre has been extended through out the last years. Since October 2003 our company has been ISO 9001 certified.
